Maha Thakya Thiha Pagoda was built by Bodaw Paya’s grandson King Bagyidaw of Yadanapura Innwa. with the use of 26723 viss of five kinds of metals namely gold. silver. bronze. iron and zinc. in the y$ar 1188. in his 19th year of reign. In the 1209. King Bagan and his queen had it moved from Yadanapura Innwa to a place near Pahtodawgyi in the east of Taung Thaman Inn of the royal city of Amarapura. In 1247. King Thibaw in the seventh year of his reign had it moved again to the present site in Ghantakuti of Man-dalay. On the upper terrace there are 28 images of Buddhas. and on the lower terrace are 80 statues of Arahant as with the main Ghantakuti teak pyathat. The donor was Sinbyu-ma-shin.